What would you expect when you get to the Christmas tree on Christmas day? Toys? iPhone? Ipad? No, think about it again, Christmas is all about Jesus, so on Christmas Day we should first go to church then open your presents later.
You should be thankful for the wonderful presents that you’ve received and also thankful to the people who gave you gifts because without them you wouldn’t have any. Regardless of what gifts you receive, you should be thankful for that because there are many people who don’t even have a home to live, nor food to eat and not to mention about receiving gifts for Christmas because their family can’t afford any of these luxuries. If you happen to receive two of the same gifts, please do donate it to St Vincent De Paul or another charitable organisation. People will appreciate what you have done for them on this wonderful occasion.

Natalia Chung

所謂的殉道者 (英文:Martyr)其實原意代表著為了信仰作見證的人。我們每一個人其實都背負了這一個重要的使命 ………………………(詳細內容請點擊下面連結)