- 1985年,一位出生於巴布亞新幾內亞(Papua New Guinea)的陳天泉神父在布里斯本為華人社區服務,與當地的華人成立了布里斯本華人天主教團體(Chinese Catholic Community Brisbane)。
Together with other Chinese Catholics in Brisbane, Fr. Albert Chan from Papua New Guinea, established the Chinese Catholic Community Brisbane (CCCB) in 1985.
陳神父在14歲時,由父親送到澳洲昆士蘭的圖旺霸(Toowoomba) 的當南中學(Downlands College)寄宿讀書,在14歲時完成了中學課程,在得到家人同意下,進入了修院,首兩年在新南威爾士州的瑪麗亞塔(St Mary Towers)小修道院,後又轉到維多利亞州離墨爾本不遠的克羅東 (Croydon) 聖心修道院進修天主教神學課程,先讀了三年哲學再又修讀四年神學,在1962年7月21日,正式晉鐸,成為天主教司鐸神職。
Albert came to Australia when he was 14. He studied in Downlands College in Toowoomba in Queensland as a boarding student. Upon the completion of his high school studies at the age of 14, with the approval from his family, Albert decided to further his studies in theological college. He spent his first 2 years in St. Mary Towers in New South Wales. Then he spent 3 years studying philosophy and 4 years studying theology in Sacred Heart Croydon Monastery, a seminary near Melbourne in Victoria. Albert was ordained to the priesthood on 21 July 1962.
教友心目中的陳神父,是一位熱心,喜悅,樂於助人的神職人員,他所幫助過的教友與非教友在一切生活上的需要,不勝枚舉。在建立布里斯本華人天主教團體的初期,可真是勞心勞力,從1985年起,經歷多年來到處租用不同的堂區為方便團體聚會或舉行彌撒用,在團體人數不斷成長下,很難建立團體的歸屬感,也令人時有寄人籬下的感覺,在團體委員們多次開會討論,大家有錢出錢,有力出力,籌募基金,經過兩年多的籌備,終於購買了坐於Runcorn的Nemies Rd一幅土地,再後便興建了現在的聖心會堂,聖心會堂於2002年3月17日,由布里斯本總主教祝聖下,正式啟用。
Fr. Chan is well known as an enthusiastic, joyful and helpful cleric. He has assisted numerous people, (especially migrants), both Catholics and non-Catholics, on their daily necessities (establishing their new lives in Brisbane). Being the founder of CCCB is a challenging task – especially in the early days of the establishment where we do not have a permanent site. From 1985 onwards, over the years many different parishes have been hired to facilitate group gatherings and mass celebrations. With the growing number of the community, it is hard to establish a sense of belongings without a base. After numerous discussions within the organizing committee, as well as a series of preparation and fund-raising activities over 2 years of time, CCCB purchased the land at Nemies Road in Runcorn and built the Sacred Heart Centre. The centre was consecrated on 17 March 2002 by the Archbishop of Brisbane.
It has been 30 years since CCCB is established. CCCB is a blessed community under the guidance from Holy Spirit. We are grateful to God for his love and kindness. We will continue our pastoral and evanglization work under the leadership of Holy Spirit.